RiverStage Community Theatre is pleased to announce that the cast has been selected for its first production of the 2014-15 season, the hilarious ensemble comedy Picasso at the Lapin Agile by actor, comedian and writer Steve Martin. The show will be performed the weekend of November 8-9, 2014 at the Campus Theatre in Lewisburg. We thank everyone who auditioned, and congratulations to our cast members!
The cast, in order of appearance:
Freddy – George Casper
Gaston – Glenn Wilson
Albert Einstein – Jove Graham
Germaine – Jessica Paquin
Suzanne – Maria Lauer
Sagot – Fred Hooper
Pablo Picasso – Ben Hartman
Charles Dabernow Schmendiman – Andrew Shaffer
The Countess – Caroline Pogust
A female admirer – Kathy Coup
A visitor from the future – Brad Wakeman